This Bank Manager Made Beggars In Delhi Open Bank Accounts. And Changed Lives Of Villagers In Tamil Nadu.

Banking, for Joseph Santhumary Parthiban, isn’t really about money. It is about an everyman’s hope for a dignified life. As an employee of a national bank in Delhi, he persuaded

This Bank Manager Made Beggars In Delhi Open Bank Accounts. And Changed Lives Of Villagers In Tamil Nadu.

Banking, for Joseph Santhumary Parthiban, isn’t really about money. It is about an everyman’s hope for a dignified life. As an employee of a national bank in Delhi, he persuaded hundreds of street hawkers and beggars to open bank accounts. When he moved to Salem in his home state Tamil Nadu, he realised people in remote areas couldn’t even visit his branch due of lack of transport. Watch what he did.

Watch this bank manager change lives

This film was one of the winners of the BRITDOC/Co-operative Competition.
Producer/Director: Andrew Hinton (
Photography: Eric Trometer (
Editing: Rob Petit (
Music: Rasika Vartak
Executive Producers: Jeanne Faber, Suresh Mathew, Christopher Hartnell


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