Do you know what is the one leaf that has taken its place in many Indian cuisines? Banana leaf.

It is used in Bengali dishes like bhetki macher paturi, Assam’s bhapot diya maach and in Kerala’s Onam saadhya alike.

The versatile leaf can be steamed, grilled and deep-fried. If that’s not enough, it can also be used as a serving plate and packaging material.

Banana leaves come with numerous health benefits. Here are some that you should know:

Rich in nutrients, these leaves can help in relieving psoriasis (itchy, scaly rashes on the skin), colds and coughs.

The leaves also have antibacterial properties that can fight germs in the food.

The wax-like coating on the leaf keeps dust and insects away making it a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to plastic cutlery.

A powerhouse of antioxidants, banana leaves can help delay or prevent cell damage at an early age.

They contain large amounts of polyphenols, which are absorbed by the food and hence help to fight ageing, lifestyle diseases, and cancer.