As the warmth of summer draws near, it’s time to consider the resilient vegetables that not only withstand but thrive in the rising temperatures. These six vegetables will flourish despite the heat, offering bountiful harvests and adding vibrancy to your summer garden.

1. Corn

1. Corn

Summer is the primary season for growing corn in most areas as it requires temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 °C to thrive. You can take some corn grains and soak them in water or wrap them in a wet cloth. Once they start to germinate after two days, plant them.

2. Indian round gourd

2. Indian round gourd

Also called tinda, the seeds of this vegetable are usually sown in late spring or early summer. The vegetable needs a wide and deep pot or container to grow properly. You can either plant the seeds directly or prepare the seedlings before potting them 12 to 18 inches apart.

3. French beans

3. French beans

A very versatile vegetable, French beans can thrive between 10 to 29 °C. Soak the seeds overnight and plant them in a seedling tray filled with potting mix. The seedlings will be ready in a week or two to be planted in a bigger pot.

4. Amaranth greens

4. Amaranth greens

Also known as amaranth leaves or Chinese spinach, you can either plant the leaves directly or sow the seeds. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water the amaranth plants deeply whenever the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil feels dry to the touch.

5. Colocasia

5. Colocasia

Colocasia, also known as taro, is a starchy tuberous root vegetable that thrives in moist, well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight. To plant this vegetable, you will need to take its corms with emerging buds and plant them in the soil.

6.  Lady’s finger

6.  Lady’s finger

Lady’s fingers, also known as okra or bhindi are very heat tolerant and do not need extra preparations. You can plant them directly in a 12 to 16-inch pot. You can consider adding stakes or trellises at the time of planting to provide support for the plants as they grow.